Rails Cookbook (Cookbooks (O'Reilly))パラパラ見てたら、gemで入れるcheatが書いてあった。
$sudo gem install cheat $cheat rails_vim rails_vim: Cheat sheet for the rails.vim plugin General Commands: :Rails {directory} - Create a new rails project in {directory} :Rake {target} - run a rake task :Rdoc - open the Rails API in a browser :Redit {file} - edit {file}, relative to the application root :Rlog [{logfile}] - split window and open {logfile} :Rinvert - In a migration, invert the self.up method into a self.down method :Rpreview - open page in a new browser at http://localhost:3000/ :Rtags - Call ctags -R on current rails root Navigation: :Rfind [{file}] - Find {file}. If no file is given, name taken from cursor. gf - Edit the file under cursor :A, :AE - Open alternate file in the same window :AS - Open alternate file in a new split window :AV - Open alternate file in a vertically split window :AT - Open alternate file in a new tab :R, :RE - Open related file in the same window :RS - Open related file in a new split window :RV - Open related file in a vertically split window :RT - Open related file in a new tab <CTRL>-^ - Edit the previous file. Model Navigation: :Rmodel [{name}] - Edit specified model :Rmigration [{pattern}] - Edit migration matched by {pattern} :Robserver [{name}] - Edit observer with name like {name}_observer. :Rfixtures [{name}] - Edit fixture for given model :Runittest [{name}] - Edit unit test for specified model :Rintegrationtest [{name}] - Edit integration test specified Controller Navigation: :Rcontroller [{name}] - Edit specified controller :Rhelper [{name}] - Edit helper for specified controller :Rview [[{controller}/]{view}] - Edit specified view :Rlayout [{name}] - Edit specified layout :Rapi [{name}] - Edit API for specified controller :RfunctionalTest [{name}] - Edit functional test for specified controller :Rstyplesheet [{name}] - Edit specified style sheet :Rjavascript [{name}] - Edit specified javascript Script Wrappers :Rscript {script} {options} - call ruby script/{script} {options} :Rbreakpointer {options} :Rconsole {options} :Rrunner {code} :Rgenerate {options} :Rdestroy {options} :Rplugin {options} :Rserver {options} :Rserver! {options} - Same as :Rserver, except attemts to kill other servers on same port Partial Extraction :[range]Rextract [{{controller}/]{name}] - create {name} partial from [range] of lines
$cheat all